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Watch as a red lady is called. How to call the Queen of Spades during the day?

  1. Can I summon the Queen of Spades?
  2. How to call the Queen of Spades?
  3. How to call the Queen of Spades without consequences?

Each of you are already familiar with the character from the children's horror stories and legends, with the Queen of Spades. Usually the first question is related to how to call it, and the question of the consequences of the call fades into the background. In this article I will tell you about the possible harm and consequences of calling the Queen of Spades.

Based on the legend, we understand that the Queen of Spades itself is in the realm of the dead. If you disturb and urge her, you should not hope that she will come to you in a good mood. The Queen of Spades can play a cruel joke with you and cause you both moral and physical harm, and if you're lucky, it can just scare you. If your call does not have the evil purposes of an evil character and you will be friendly, the queen of spades most likely will frighten you or you may not seem at all to your eyes.

If you call a lady of spades with a grin, not believing in her or her abilities, or you will be hostile, do not expect anything good from the ritual. If you piss her off, she can take away the soul and leave you only a physical body. Yes, you will also walk on the earth, and outwardly nothing will change in you, but humanity, all beautiful feelings will die in you, only hatred, anger and indifference to everything around will remain.

During the ritual itself a slight suffocation and mental clouding is not excluded. Do not be frightened and surprised if during the ritual you have something to fall or break, you still call the soul from the underworld. Also, immediately after the end of the ritual, it may blow the grave chill, suddenly doors or windows may open. The Queen of Spades can cause you bodily harm, either by yourself or with the help of objects around you. This may be a chandelier hanging above you, a wardrobe standing by the bed, windows, mirrors or other items.

A queen of spades on your own can leave bruises or redness on your body. Also, sometimes it leaves its marks all over the place where you called it, they can be barely noticeable, and can look like distinct red marks from tenacious hands. The queen of spades may start talking to you or transmit some messages sometimes not verbally, and rather incomprehensible, for example, with the help of foreign objects will try to explain something to you.

It is not worth waiting for good and pleasant words from the peak lady, she will scare you and talk about the approaching death, the passing away of your loved ones or your favorite pets, as well as the impending apocalypse. The most serious consequences can be injuries to the legs, arms, head and internal organs. A summoned lady can not touch you herself, but she is quite able to climb into your brain and harm herself. The Queen of Spades may even, much depends on the time of day and your mood, and the location of the lady herself.

These are just the most basic points that can happen when calling the Queen of Spades. You can not predict her mood and the possibility of the response of her soul from the dead. But the Lady herself is strong enough, she moves like a soul that cannot be touched and even seen until she herself wants it, and can be unpredictable. You should think carefully about whether to call it, and be sure to consider a protection strategy. Calling the Queen of Spades is a serious matter that can have serious consequences. I strongly recommend not to call her, who knows what will come to her mind?

Probably, many people know about the spirit of the Queen of Spades, but only a few know how exactly it appeared. There are several options, for example, some claim that the legend arose because of the map of the same name, with which various misfortunes were associated. There is another myth that the Queen of Spades is the spirit of the looking-glass. Every year there were more and more different versions attributing the negative to this female image.

First you need to understand why you can not call Peak Dame if scary. If the spirit feels doubt and any experience, then it can attack, take energy and bring any other harm. Therefore, if in doubt, it is better to abandon this.

Can I summon the Queen of Spades?

The outcome of the ritual is directly related to the thoughts of the person. If the caller is afraid and worried or, on the contrary, is negatively disposed, then the ghost will come evil and you should not expect anything good from him. To call a good Queen of Spades, you need to have a positive attitude, as this will attract good spirit . In general, the final image is directly dependent on the imagination of the caller.

Rules on how to call the Queen of Spades during the day:

Each of you are already familiar with the character from the children's horror stories and legends, with the Queen of Spades

You can choose any version of the ritual, we offer this. Take 2 mirrors and place them opposite each other to create a so-called corridor. Arrange a few lighted candles, and take one in your hand and, looking in the mirrors, say: “The Queen of Spades, the one who lives in the mirror world, come to the dim light of my candle” .

If the spirit looks positive, you can ask for help. There was a negatively tuned Queen of Spades, break the corridor by sliding the mirrors so that she disappeared.

For the first time the image of the peak lady was seen on the Tarot cards. The lady of the peak on the cards was depicted as a beautiful maiden, she was armed with a bow, and she held a poisoned arrow in her hands - her image personified justice. In another version, it was a cold ice maiden, instead of her heart she had a piece of ice, she could not feel - this card was interpreted as not being able to feel, callousness, loneliness.

So, before describing the rituals of calling a peak lady, let's briefly instruct how to correctly summon a peak lady:

1. The day before the ritual. If during the day (the peak lady is caused at night) you have a bad feeling, feeling unwell, or you have seen bad signs or dreams, it is better to postpone the ritual.
2. Fear. If you are afraid of panic, then all the ways of self-defense will fly out of your head, which may be fraught for you.
3. It often happens that a completely different entity comes to the challenge, all due to the use of the wrong inventory, the wrong call words, but even in this case the risks remain.
4. Maximum believe in the fact that it is to you that a fair, good-looking peak lady will come, that she cannot harm you, because you are a person, and she is only a spirit.
5. For your peace of mind, you can put on protective amulets, a bag of salt, and at any time you should be able to turn on the light.

This is quite an old way to call the peak lady at home. The best time of the meeting: 12:00 - 3:00. Calling the lady of the day is not recommended. You will need black or dark red lipstick, a dark place with a mirror and a candle. Put a candle in front of the mirror and draw a ladder from top to bottom on the mirror. Draw a door at the top of the stairs. The ladder should not be very small, at least five steps (this will give us more time.) After that, calm down as much as possible, concentrate on the image of the peak lady, close your eyes and say “Lady Peak come” three times. The shadow of the peak lady should form in the mirror open the door and slowly start down the ladder painted with lipstick. All you need is to quickly say out loud your desire and have time before the peak lady steps onto the last step. As soon as you voice your desire - take a rag and erase the painted stairs and turn on the light that hour.

Remember that the most important thing here is your thoughts and inner attitude that everything will go well, and you will get what you want.

Many people heard in childhood about the Queen of Spades, and some even tried to call her. A large number of stories and myths are connected with the spirit of this woman. Many believe that the Queen of Spades is the ghost of a witch, who not only brings many problems and misfortunes, but can also take her through the looking glass. Often people call Top Dame for interest as a game. There are many rituals that help to evoke the spirit, to get answers to questions, and also to perform the cherished. The image of the Queen of Spades depends largely on the imagination, so it is important to have a good idea of ​​its appearance.

How to call the Queen of Spades?

Before proceeding to the description of the ritual, it is worthwhile to dwell on some important points. Firstly, if it is scary, then you should not even begin the ritual, otherwise everything can end in a rather pitiable way. Secondly, the emerging spirit may be completely different from the expected image. Do not panic and interrupt the ritual, because if the Queen of Spades does not leave, many unpleasant consequences may occur. Before you call the spirit of the Queen of Spades, to protect yourself prepare protective equipment. For example, you can use images of runes, salt, prayers, etc. And, of course, as in any magic, the belief in a positive result is very important.

Consider the most effective and popular option to correctly call the Queen of Spades. For the ritual to work, it is recommended to hold it from 23-00 to 3-00. The room should be dark, the only acceptable light - a burning candle. It is important that the room was a mirror. Place the candle in such a way that its light is reflected in the mirror. Take a dark color lipstick and draw a door and a ladder on the glass. Close your eyes and say 3 times:

"The Queen of Spades, come!"

Without opening your eyes, begin to visualize how the spirit opens the painted door and descends the stairs. When you are sure that the Queen of Spades has arrived, you can open your eyes. If everything was done correctly, the spirit will appear and you can ask him to fulfill his cherished desire. To do this, clearly formulate it, tell it and visually imagine how it came true. It is important to know not only how to call the Queen of Spades at home, but also how to drive her back through the looking glass. After the ritual is completed, it is necessary to completely erase everything that was on the mirror. If everything is done correctly, then soon you can count on the fulfillment of desire.

How else can you call the Queen of Spades?

For this ritual after sunset, perfume your favorite perfume and go outside. Stand in front of a multi-storey building and look at the windows of the third floor, it is important that the lights do not burn in them. Without looking away, repeat 3 times:

“The Queen of Spades Come!”

If a ghost appears, it will surely flash in the window.

Another option, how to call the Queen of Spades, so that she fulfilled the desire, is held at midnight exactly. Choose the darkest room of the dwelling. Take a mirror and spread it with soap. Lit Another option, how to call the Queen of Spades, so that she fulfilled the desire, is held at midnight exactly Put the candle so that the flame is reflected in the mirror. It is recommended to put on a headscarf or any other headdress, so that all hair is completely hidden. Take a card with the image of the Queen of Spades and bring it to the mirror so that the image is well reflected. Look in the mirror and wait for the signals. If white triangles appear, it means that the spirit is in a good position and you can make a wish. Any other images indicate that the ritual is worth stopping.

How to call the Queen of Spades without consequences?

You should not call a ghost with a sneer or with any negative. Such behavior will be perceived by the spirit as a challenge. To protect yourself from injury and other negative consequences of the Queen of Spades, you can use different species protection. For example, use amulets, etc.

Who is the Queen of Spades? This is an ordinary woman from a deck of cards. Why is everyone afraid of her, and, say, not the king of spades? Some people on this account say that once she was ominously depicted on the cards (I wonder when it was?), Others believe that the black color of the peak suit, supposedly symbolizing something unkind, is to blame for everything. Be that as it may, and the lady from the deck of the peak still identifies with the witch who brings failures and even ... death! There are many legends about her today. This terrible woman is personified with the spirit that lives in the world of the looking-glass, and if you call it, you can strangle it!

Her sinister image was formed from stories and legends about her. He was fed by unfavorable energy and mystery. To this day, the mystery of this woman does not give rest to people who are looking for the most different ways to summon the Peak Dame, her image stirs the minds of many, and experts on paranormal phenomena only shrug their shoulders ... And all because she ... exists! No, you, of course, can not believe and call this statement nonsense, but remember: if you are skeptics, then this does not mean that there is nothing mystical! As they say, if long tormented ...

Stage One

Forget about any ladder painted with lipstick on the mirror. This is the "grandmother's" methods. If you really want to experience fear, then we offer you a real way to call the Queen of Spades. Forget about any ladder painted with lipstick on the mirror

  1. Remember one truth: you should call it all alone! Do not invite any friends. All the talk about the fact that the two seem to be not so scary - this is complete nonsense. Two or more people are the dispersion of energy to the right and left ... There is no point ... You must be alone for the energy bunch to be directed towards the mirrors.
  2. It should be dark in the room and outside the window. Yes, this procedure is performed only at night. You will need all the mirrors (at least three) that you have in the house, and one candle. You will make a corridor in the looking glass - a powerful energy-mental stimulus.
  3. We put the largest mirror in the middle of the table, and the rest around it. It turns out an endless corridor ... Turn off the light. You are in total darkness. Light a candle prepared in advance and place it in front of the central mirror so that it illuminates the entire corridor evenly.
  4. We note with a separate item: be sure to close all doors and windows with latches! This is an indispensable condition. You will understand why later. So, everything is ready for the challenge.

How to call the Queen of Spades. Stage Two

Stage Two

Do not repeat this!

The right to believe or not, of course, is yours. But in any case, we do not advise you to remember how to call the Spades Lady, and, especially, to repeat this at home. Of course, no one can guarantee the behavior of this creature, but if the lady doesn’t strangle, she can definitely drive her crazy, as happened with Herman in the eponymous story by Alexander Pushkin.

Can I summon the Queen of Spades?
How to call the Queen of Spades?
How to call the Queen of Spades without consequences?
I strongly recommend not to call her, who knows what will come to her mind?
Can I summon the Queen of Spades?
How to call the Queen of Spades?
How else can you call the Queen of Spades?
How to call the Queen of Spades without consequences?
Who is the Queen of Spades?
Why is everyone afraid of her, and, say, not the king of spades?