Популярные заметки


How to wash the raid with forks. How to clean the spoons of tea raid.

  1. Timely washing cutlery
  2. Folk remedies
  3. Special means
  4. Lose weight easily (result in 25 days)
  5. Boiling
  6. Improvised means
  7. Household chemicals
  8. Why darken silver and nickel silver?
  9. How to clean nickel silver and silver appliances?
  10. Wood ash
  11. Soda or salt
  12. Toothpaste
  13. Ammonia
  14. Potatoes
  15. Lemon acid
  16. Vinegar
  17. Soda
  18. Spoiled milk
  19. Eggshell
  20. Effective folk ways
  21. Boiling in a solution of salt and soda (for a large number of devices)
  22. Soda + lemongrass
  23. Acetic or citric acid (to remove salt deposits)
  24. Soda
  25. Vinegar (to remove dark marks and white deposits)
  26. Coffee grounds (for old stains)

Although stainless steel is a fairly resistant material to the external environment, it does not turn black as quickly and intensively as silver, but anyway, sooner or later, the question arises of how to clean cutlery from this metal.

Timely washing cutlery

Over time, fat creates an unpleasantly dark plaque on the surface of cutlery, water with a large percentage of hardness salts, and some foods lead to metal tarnishing.

As with any dishes, forks and spoons, it is important to regularly clean from food debris after a meal using detergents and a sponge for dishes. This will save from the need to scour then dried and stubborn stains of unknown origin. In order not to damage the coating of stainless steel, you should not use abrasives and hard brushes or scouring pads.

In order not to damage the coating of stainless steel, you should not use abrasives and hard brushes or scouring pads

Folk remedies

Most used for cleaning stainless steel folk remedies completely harmless to human health. But still they taste unpleasant, so that after removing contaminants, cutlery should be well washed with water.

Special means

A rather aggressive, but effective means for returning cleanliness and luster to cutlery, removing any type of plaque is Domestos. But it is necessary to work with this product with gloves, and then very carefully wash the spoons and forks, especially between the teeth and in various grooves, first with the usual dishware and then with running water so that not a trace of Domestos remains. Instead, it can be used any similar tool with a significant content of chlorine.

Of course, there are specialized compositions for cleaning dishes from a variety of metals, including stainless steel. When using them at home, it is important to carefully consider the information on the packaging and follow the instructions for use. But it should be understood that such means are not omnipotent and rarely turn out to be much more effective than time-tested and absolutely safe folk recipes.

Lose weight easily (result in 25 days)

Why stubborn dieting does not bring a visible result, but only leads to frustration and depression, and how can you still lose weight so that:

  • Return the attention of her husband or find a new man.
  • Feel the envious glances of girlfriends and colleagues again.
  • Believe in yourself, feel slim and desirable.
  • Do not hesitate to go to the cinema or in a cafe with friends.
  • Do not hesitate to post photos from the rest or with children in social networks.

Burn fat specifically in problem areas

January 19, 2017

Stainless steel cutlery is in every home. They look beautiful, easy to operate and clean. But with the wrong care, spoons and forks often lose their presentable appearance - dirt accumulates in curls, and a whitish coating appears on the surface. How to clean stainless steel appliances to shine at home?

Listen to simple tips to help you quickly and efficiently clean stainless steel cutlery at home:

  • Wash spoons and forks immediately after eating, avoiding drying out of food on the surface.
  • If the food has dried food, soak it in soapy water before cleaning it.
  • Do not use a stainless steel sponge or brush or abrasives for cleaning stainless steel forks and spoons. They leave scratches and scuffs on the surface.
  • Use soft sponges and rags to clean the devices.
  • Thoroughly rinse appliances after washing to remove residual cleaning products. During rinsing, add a little liquid ammonia to the water, it will return shine to metal products.
  • Wipe the devices well with a soft towel - this will prevent the appearance of white bloom.

When using acid or special household products, do not forget to wear gloves.


Stainless steel spoons and forks can be cleaned using conventional boiling. Prepare a solution: in 2 liters of water, add 2 tbsp. l baking soda and salt. Pour medium into a large container and heat over low heat. Place the cutlery in the solution and boil for 30 minutes. It is not necessary to boil water, warm it well enough.

Stainless steel spoons and forks can be boiled in a solution of baking soda and citric acid.

After all actions, remove the forks and spoons from the solution, rinse with clean water and wipe dry. This method is great for cleaning a large number of devices simultaneously.

Alternatively, use a mixture of baking soda and citric acid. Fill the powder with hot water and place spoons and forks in the solution. Boil for a few minutes, then wash and wipe with a cotton towel.

Improvised means

Hand tools will help bring the shine back to stainless steel devices.

Soda. Mix the powder with a little water until a thick slurry forms. The resulting tool, clean stainless steel products. To remove the white bloom, wipe the devices with a cloth dipped in vinegar. This method will effectively clean the forks and spoons, return shine to them. But it is not suitable for complex contaminants and does not cope well with bloom between the teeth.

Coffee grounds. Apply a small amount to a sponge and wipe the product. Rinse the devices in clean water and dry with a soft cloth.

Potatoes and its decoction. Clean the root and cut into halves, wipe their devices. Due to the high concentration of starch, the forks and spoons will be well cleaned and will shine. You can also boil cutlery in water, where the vegetable was cooked. This will achieve the same effect as when cleaning potatoes, but it will cope better with hard-to-reach places.

Onion juice. Eliminate even the darkening of the stainless steel. Wipe devices with a cut onion, so that the juice penetrates into the decorative elements and between the teeth of a fork. After cleaning, rinse the products in clean water and dry well with a soft cloth.

Dentifrice. Removes fresh and small contamination. Apply a little on the sponge and wipe the stainless steel cutlery. Rinse the powder well and dry the spoons and forks.

Household chemicals

A wide range of household chemicals for cleaning metal products, including stainless steel, is presented on the shelves. You can find sprays and pastes of domestic or foreign production.

Before using the tool, be sure to read the instructions. After cleaning, wipe dry the cutlery with a soft cloth. Household chemicals will quickly and efficiently remove all sorts of pollution, return shine to products and eliminate minor damages (scratches).

Appliances can be cleaned with chlorine-containing household products (for example, Domestos or bleach). Pour 5 liters of water into a large container and add cleaning agent. Choose household chemicals carefully, it is important that it does not contain acids that adversely affect the stainless steel. In the resulting solution, place the cutlery and leave for half an hour. After the allotted time, rinse and wipe the product.

To clean spoons and forks made of stainless steel, use special household tools or improvised methods. The main thing is not to use strong acids and abrasives, and after cleaning do not forget to wash and dry the cutlery.

You probably have an inherited set in your home. nickel silver spoons forks and knives. Or somewhere an old sugar bowl and a teapot are gathering dust, from time lost their original view . We offer to learn how to clean the cutlery from the black.

Why darken silver and nickel silver?

The main reason for the darkening and blackening of silver and nickel silver is improper storage. For prophylaxis and after getting rid of pollution, it is necessary, if possible, to limit the contact of cutlery with air and other metals - keep them in a separate box and preferably wrapped in food film, foil or paper napkin . They store nickel silver and silver dishes in a cool, dry place.

In no case do not wash such appliances and dishes in dishwasher and do not clean with hard materials or abrasive cleaners. After washing, be sure to wipe the silver dry and do not remove it until it dries completely (moisture can leave stains on the metal).

How to clean nickel silver and silver appliances?

Before you begin cleaning your silver and nickel silver cutlery, wash them in warm, soapy water. This will remove grease, grime and dirt and make further purification procedures more effective.

Wood ash

Wood ash

Ash is irreplaceable not only in the garden, but also in the kitchen when it comes to cleaning cutlery from black. It is very soft, but at the same time effective remedy . In a small amount of wood ash (or, for example, tobacco ash), add a little water to make a paste. Apply it to a soft woolen fabric and rub silver and nickel silver. After cleaning, rinse them under running water and wipe dry.

Soda or salt

Soda or salt

One of the most accessible and simple ways - use soda or salt. Put the cutlery in a saucepan and cover with a solution of soda or salt (3-4 tablespoons of soda or 5 tsp of salt per 1 liter of water). Roll some small balls out of aluminum foil and put them in the same pan. Put on the fire and boil for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse the instruments in running water and wipe dry with a soft cloth.

In a solution of soda or salt, silver and nickel silver can be simply soaked for 1-2 hours: cover the bottom of the pan with foil, put the devices on it and pour boiling solution.



To clean the cutlery from nickel silver and silver with toothpaste, you will need a piece of cloth (a dense, soft fleece napkin will do). Apply a little bit of toothpaste (or diluted tooth powder) to the cloth and gently rub the product in a circular motion. After that, wash the devices in water and leave to dry.

Toothpaste should be white, with no impurities that can scratch silver or nickel silver.



A solution of ammonia, known as ammonia, is probably in your first-aid kit. To use it as a cleaner for silver or nickel-silver utensils, prepare a solution (10 parts of water for 1 part of alcohol) and immerse cutlery in it. Leave to soak, periodically observing the changes, and as soon as you see that the metal has cleared (it will take about an hour), remove the instruments from the solution and wipe them with a cloth.

If the silver or nickel silver item is heavily contaminated, soak it undiluted. liquid ammonia (10%) for 10-15 minutes, then rinse and dry.



1. Grate raw potatoes (or chop finely) and fold into a bowl or pan, cover with water and place contaminated appliances in a container. Leave for 2-3 hours, then rinse and wipe dry.

2. Boil the potatoes and pour the broth into the container, the bottom of which is pre-covered with foil. Put the cutlery into the container, after 5-10 minutes, carefully drain the liquid and rinse the silver and nickel silver in running water. Dry thoroughly.

Lemon acid

Lemon acid

Do not forget about the indispensable in the economy of a simple tool - citric acid. Prepare a strong solution of citric acid: in 1 liter of water dissolve 100 g of the crystals of the lemon and put the container in a water bath. Place the products in the solution, as well as a small piece of copper wire. Boil for 20-30 minutes, rinse in running water, wipe off and leave to dry.



9% table vinegar will help to clear homemade silver and nickel silver from blackening. There are 2 options for using it:

1. Wear rubber gloves, take a piece of soft, dense fabric and put some vinegar on it. Carefully wipe the product, then rinse with water. Silver can be wiped with vinegar for prophylactic purposes, since it cleans the metal well from organic contaminants and prevents the occurrence of mold.

2. Pour the required amount of vinegar into the container, heat to 40-50 ° C and place cutlery in it for 15 minutes. Rinse and wipe dry with a cloth.



Some carbonated drinks (Coca-Cola, Sprite, 7Up, etc.) do an excellent job of cleaning metal cutlery from black. Pour the required amount of drink into the pot, add silver and nickel silver, put on slow fire for 7-10 minutes. Do not forget to wash and dry the devices after this.

Spoiled milk

Spoiled milk

Do not rush to throw out the curd or sour milk - it can also be used on the farm. Soak in sour milk for a while (30-40 minutes) blackened tableware of silver and nickel silver. After rinse in water without soap and leave to dry.

Sour milk is also used in the preventive care of silver and nickel silver dishes: for this, some milk is poured onto the cloth, the devices are wiped with it, and left for half an hour. Then rinsed and dried.



In a saucepan, mix the crushed shell 2-3 chicken eggs and 2 tsp. salt. Pour 1 liter of water, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Dip in the resulting decoction cutlery for 20-30 seconds, remove, wipe dry.

If you do not want to dive into the subtleties of the recommended folk methods , buy at a hardware or jewelry store special tool for cleaning silver and nickel silver.

Stainless steel cutlery are popular. They are durable and wear-resistant, easy to care for them. From time to time, they should be cleaned in order to remove the dirt accumulated in the curls of patterns, remove the whitish coating from the surface, and restore the former shine.

If you follow these simple rules, then the cutlery will always please the eye with cleanliness, moreover, you will not need to make a lot of effort and spend time on a cardinal cleaning. Here are the highlights:

  • Do not leave dirty dishes for later. Wash spoons, forks better immediately, avoiding drying of food residues.
  • If the cutlery still appeared pieces of dried food, then before you clean them, you need to stand for some time in a soap solution.
  • Refuse to use hard, metal scouring pads, abrasive powders for cleaning such products. They leave barely noticeable scratches, which are then clogged with dirt, and also - abrade the surface.
  • For washing spoons, forks made of stainless steel, it is better to take soft sponges and rags.
  • Complete each wash cycle by thoroughly rinsing the devices to completely remove the cleaning agent.
  • After washing, wipe the metal products dry using a soft towel. This will prevent white scurf.

Effective folk ways

Manufacturers of household chemicals produce a lot of tools for the care of kitchen utensils, including cutlery. But many hostesses prefer folk ways cleaning, which are based on the use of available tools. Such substances are not so aggressive, almost safe for health, do not cause allergies, besides they are available in every home.

Consider various cleaning options.

Boiling in a solution of salt and soda (for a large number of devices)

To the bottom enamelware put a sheet of aluminum foil, place spoons and forks on top. In a separate container, a detergent is prepared: in 2 liters of warm water dilute salt and soda, 2 tbsp. spoons of each substance. The resulting solution is poured into a pan with cutlery. Put the container on the stove, bring to a boil and boil on low heat for 30 minutes. Then it is drained and rinsed well, then wipe dry.

Soda + lemongrass

In a basin or any other container of suitable size, pour 2 tbsp. l soda and 1 tbsp. spoon of citric acid powder. Pour all 2 liters of hot water, put cutlery in the solution. Put on the stove and heat the liquid, you can even do without boiling. After 15 minutes, drain the liquid and rinse the cutlery in clean water.

Acetic or citric acid (to remove salt deposits)

A solution is prepared for boiling: 125 ml of vinegar or 100 g of lemon are added to 1 l of water. In the resulting liquid dipped cutlery and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, leave spoons and forks in the solution until it is completely cooled, and then washed well and wiped.


With this substance, you can not only remove dirt, but also return shine to metal products.

A little water is added to the soda, mixed - a thick slurry should turn out. A small amount of soda mixture is applied to a soft, damp cloth and they begin to wipe the surface of each device separately.

Vinegar (to remove dark marks and white deposits)

Not bad vinegar helps to get rid of fresh greasy dirt.

Do this: a soft cloth, preferably with a flannel moistened in acetic solution, wipe the surface of the cutlery.

Coffee grounds (for old stains)

The sponge thick stuff is placed on the sponge and the surface of the product is processed. At the end of the cleaning devices rinsed with water.

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How to clean nickel silver and silver appliances?
How to clean stainless steel appliances to shine at home?
Why darken silver and nickel silver?
How to clean nickel silver and silver appliances?