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Are snails born with a sink? | Polytech (Polytechnic Museum)

  1. Why do older people have white hair?
  2. Are snails born with a sink?
  3. What more, cells in man or stars in our galaxy?

Yes. The snail shell is part of its body. The shell is the external skeleton of a snail and many other mollusks. It consists of several layers. It is an organic material base on which calcium carbonate is deposited (it is the same chemical substance that chalk is made of). The shell is produced by a part of the body of a snail called the mantle. The shell serves to protect against predators, to preserve moisture, and so that the muscles of the cochlea can be attached to it. The snails inside the shell are intestines. Small snails are born already with a translucent thin shell that grows with the snail itself.

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The snail shell is its hallmark, in different species it has a different shape, the number of curls, protrusions and other details of the structure. Therefore, more often than not, by the sink you can find out what type its owner belongs to.

If you have a question that bothers you, write to us and we will try to find the answer!

  • Why do older people have white hair?

    No one really knows. Moreover, scientists cannot yet unequivocally answer either the question why this is necessary or how it happens. But there are some ideas on this subject. Let's start with how. There are two main versions of how people turn gray. Both agree that this happens when pigment proteins cease to be produced in the cells from which hair grows, which give hair color. According to the first version, this is simply due to the aging of these cells. Over time, the DNA of any cells can accumulate errors, and they stop working normally. In the case of cells that are responsible for hair growth, this leads to the fact that they lose the ability to normally produce pigments.

  • Are snails born with a sink?

    Yes. The snail shell is part of its body. The shell is the external skeleton of a snail and many other mollusks. It consists of several layers. It is an organic material base on which calcium carbonate is deposited (it is the same chemical substance that chalk is made of). The shell is produced by a part of the body of a snail called the mantle. The shell serves to protect against predators, to preserve moisture, and so that the muscles of the cochlea can be attached to it. The snails inside the shell are intestines. Small snails are born already with a translucent thin shell that grows with the snail itself.

  • What more, cells in man or stars in our galaxy?

    The cells in man. Of course, it is difficult to calculate the exact number of stars in our galaxy, the size of which is approximately 100,000 light years and which weighs 750 billion masses of our Sun. But you can estimate. According to modern estimates in our galaxy is from 200 to 400 billion stars. Fantastically a lot. But it turns out that in the human brain alone, which is only 2 percent of our body weight, about 100 billion cells. And in the whole body of cells about 100 trillion. What is this number? This is a unit with 14 zeros, 100,000,000,000,000, which is at least 250 times more than the number of stars in our galaxy.

Why do older people have white hair?
Are snails born with a sink?
What more, cells in man or stars in our galaxy?
Why do older people have white hair?
Are snails born with a sink?
What more, cells in man or stars in our galaxy?
What is this number?